Cyclones XtraSlo Blunt Wrap – Sage / Herbie – NO Flavour (zeliščni)
Blunt wrap Cyclone je dvojno oviti, počasi goreči blunt, ki vsebuje 2 predhodno zvita blunta z “DANK7-Tip” ustnikom za večkratno uporabo iz bambusa.
* (2 Pieces per Pack)
Slika izdelka je simbolična. Ta izdelek je originalno dvojno pakiran s strani Cyclone in vsebuje dva 105 mm dolga vnaprej zvita tupa ovoja z leseno konico (filter) za večkratno uporabo
* The image of the product is symbolic.. This product is original double packed by Cyclone and contain two 105mm Lenght Pre-Rolled Blunt Wrap with Wood Reusable Tip
Cyclones Herbal Cones MEAN GREEN (sage) – no flavour, no tobacco!
These Mean Green flavored cones have no tobacco and are made with unique herbal material that gives users a clean smoking experience.
They also feature a “Dank7” wooden tip that keeps the cones clean and easy to smoke.
* Each package contains two cones and a plastic poker. It is reclosable and perfect for transport.
This product is made using sage and does not contain any tobacco or nicotine.. Enjoy it..