Blunt Wrap Juicy (1/2)
Blunti “Juicy” so prešani listi konoplje prepojeni z več okusi, s katerimi lahko preprosto zvijamo najokusnejše blunte. Namenjeni so povečanju naravnega okusa vašega dima. Zaradi posebnega postopka arome so okusi še posebej intenzivni in so zato zelo priljubljeni med čistimi kadilci.
Posamezna pakiranja sta zapečatena in vsak vsebuje 2 blunta. Torej aroma ostaja sveža tudi med daljšim shranjevanjem. Poleg tega so listi tobaka zaščiteni tudi pred dehidracijo, kar zagotavlja dolgotrajno elastičnost za odpornost na valjanje in trganje.
Tukaj prikazana slika je samo za ilustracijo.
Dejanski izdelek (slika paketa) se lahko razlikuje zaradi boljše predstavitve izdelka.
* Izdelek je originalno zapakiran in zapečaten s strani Juicy.. zato sam izdelek nima odstopanj v kakovosti!
The Picture shown here is for illustration purpose only.
Actual product (pack picture) may vary due to product enhancement.
* The product is originally packed and sealed by Juicy.. therefore, the product itself has no deviations in quality!
Juicy Hemp Wraps – Amaraillo (Lemon Cake)
A Lemon Cake ‘Amarillo’ Blunt containing no nicotine, no tobacco, just pure hemp.
Juicy Hemp Wraps use their secret trip Drip Flavour System, ensuring your hemp blunts are packed full of flavour.
* Each package contains two wrap. It is reclosable and perfect for transport.
Each bunt wrap blunt also has a useful glue strip making it easy to roll with as well as a packing tube.
Just choose your favourite flavours & enjoy it..
Juicy Rolling Blunts Wrap
Juicy Double Wrap Blunt add an incredible flavor to your smoking mix, and these four is a great flavor for everybody with a sweet tooth. Juicy Jays Double Wraps help you add an extra bit flavor to your blunt wrap. These wrap adds a real fruity flavor to your smoke.
Each flavoured blunt also has a useful glue strip making it easy to roll with as well as a packing tube.
“Juicy” double blunt pouches are packed with 2 wraps, letting you appreciate and enjoy the fantastic flavours again. The re-sealable zip lock also means that each blunt keeps fresh and tastes just as good as your first.
Juicy Blunts the most flavoursome blunt wraps. What makes Juicy blunts better than all the other blunts? This is due to the famous triple-dip flavor system that ensures the flavour is dripped on three times and left to soak for over a week, making sure when you are smoking Juicy blunts each blunt is packed with flavour.