Blunt G-RollZ Pre-Rolled Hemp Cone Wrap – Passion Haze (Blunt iz konoplja) 1/2
Ali ni zvijanje blunt wrapa vaša najljubša dejavnost? Potem izberite Blunt Wraps Cones znamke G-Rollz.
Dobite že zvaljan topi spoj, ki ga morate le zapolniti. Blunti so narejeni iz konoplje, konice filtra pa iz ličja koruznega.
Torej brez tobaka in nikotina. Izbirate lahko med številnimi različnimi okusi. Vsak blunt ustreza približno 1,1 gramu trave in dobite dva korneta na paket.
Nehajte kupovati neumne papirje. Odločite se za predhodno zvite blunt wrape podjetja G-Rollz!
Blunt Wraps
Kdor je že kdaj kupoval blunt wrap ali blunt wrap ve, da zvijanje ni lahko delo. Zato ima G-Rollz zdaj tope stožce.
Predhodno zvit blunt wrap v okusu po vaši izbiri, ki ga morate samo napolniti. Iz konoplje, torej brez tobaka in nikotina.
Opremljen s filtrirno konico in shranjen v embalaži, ki jo je mogoče ponovno zapreti. Ne boste nikoli več sami zvijali topih papirjev?
Izberite te stožce znamke G-Rollz.
Vnaprej zvit blunt wrap
Izdelava tupe obloge je precej težka. Še posebej pri topih zavitkih iz konoplje.
Ti stožci so uporabniku neverjetno prijazni. Vzameš jih iz embalaže, napolniš s svojo najljubšo travo in imaš blunt joint, v katerem lahko intenzivno uživaš.
V paketu dobite slamico, s katero lahko napolnite in stisnete vaš blunt wrap. Vse kar morate storiti je, da izberete okus.
* 100% konoplja – brez tobaka in nikotina
* Velikost: 105 mm (King-size)
* 2 blunt wrapa na paket
* Vsak blunt ustreza približno 1,1 grama plevela
* Priložena konica filtra (iz koruznih lusk)
Blunt G-RollZ Pre-Rolled Hemp Cone Wrap – Passion Haze (Hemp Blunt Wrap) 1/2
Is rolling a blunt not your favourite activity? Then go for Blunt Wraps Cones from G-Rollz. You get a pre-rolled blunt joint that you only have to fill. The blunt wraps are made of hemp and the filter tips of corn husks. So no tobacco and nicotine. You can choose from many different flavours. Each cone fits approximately 1,1 gram of weed and you get two cones per package. Stop buying blunt papers. Go for a pre-rolled blunt joint from G-Rollz!
Blunt Wraps Cones
Anyone who has ever bought blunt wraps or blunt wraps knows that rolling them is not an easy job. That is why G-Rollz now has blunt cones. A pre-rolled blunt joint in a flavour of your choice that you only have to fill. Made of hemp, so no tobacco and nicotine. Equipped with filter tip and stored in a resealable packaging. Never roll blunt papers yourself again? Go for these cones from G-Rollz.
* Pre-rolled Blunt Joint
Making a blunt wrap is quite difficult. Especially with blunt wraps made from hemp. These cones are incredibly user-friendly. You take them out of the package, fill them with your favourite weed and you have a blunt joint that you can enjoy intensely. In the package you find straw with which you can use to fill and press your blunt joint. All you have to do is choose a flavour.
* Rather roll a blunt yourself with Juicy Jay’s blunt papers? Check out the products in the ‘others viewed’ section on this page.
* Specifications G-Rollz Blunt Wrap Cones:
Cones made of blunt wrapsChoose from many different flavours
100% hemp – no tobacco and nicotine
Size: 105 mm (King-size)
2 blunt joints per package
Each blunt cone fits approximately 1,1 grams of weed
Filter tip included (made of corn husks)