Raw Stekleni filter z okroglim ustnikom 6X35mm
Raw stekleni filter z okroglim ustnikom ponujajo popolnoma nov in udoben občutek pri kajenju. Za razliko od običajnega papirja ali filtrov se konice ne lepijo na ustnice in cigareto lahko brez težav pokadite do konca. V notranjosti konice se nahajajo “bodice”, ki preprečujejo, da bi se tobak vlekel vanjo. Zahvaljujoč svoji okrogli obliki se ustnik popolnoma prilega ustnicam kadilca.
Steklene konice RAW so natisnjene s svetovno znanim logotipom in imajo skupno dolžino 35 mm in so pribl. 6 mm širok. Še posebej praktično je, da so za večkratno uporabo in primerni za pranje v pomivalnem stroju. Priporočljivo je, da v stekleno konico predhodno kanite kapljico tekočine za pomivanje posode in nato vklopite stroj.
Raw Glass Tips Round Mouthpiece 6X35mm
The glass tips from RAW with a round mouthpiece offer a completely new and comfortable smoking feeling. In contrast to conventional paper or filters, the tips do not stick to the lips and the cigarette can be smoked to the end without any problems. Inside the tip there are “spikes” that prevent tobacco from being drawn into it. Thanks to its round shape, the mouthpiece adapts perfectly to the smoker’s lips.
The RAW glass tips are printed with the world-famous logo and have a total length of 35mm and are approx. 6 mm wide. It is particularly practical that they are reusable and dishwasher safe. It is recommended to put a drop of dishwashing liquid in the glass tip beforehand and then turn on the machine.