THCJD Kartuša 90% 24K Gold Punch 1 ml
24k Gold Punch je sorta, ki je znana po močni kombinaciji sadja. Edinstven okus lahko opišemo kot mešanico pomarančnega soka in limonade. A ni tako enostavno.. popeljal vas bo v eksotični svet s pridihom grenivke, citrusov in sadnega punča z izrazitim sladkim profilom kokosa in tropskega sadja. 24H Gold Punch je gladek, sladek in saden.
* Kartuša THCJD ne vsebuje raztopin za redčenje, kot sta PG/VG, MCT apd.
* Navoj kartuše je 510, kar je združljivo z vsemi baterijami z navojem 510.
* Ne vsebuje THC!
* Vsebina kartuše: 1 ml
* Sestavine: 90% THCJD destilat, CBD destilat, naravni terpeni
Navodila za uporabo:
THCJD vložek je treba pred vsako uporabo segrevati 2 – 3 sekunde.
Pritisnite in držite gumb za stikalo 2-3 sekunde pred uparjanjem.
To bo preprečilo prenapolnitev razpršilnika na kartuši.
Če se razpršilnik prelije, bo kartuša nepopravljivo onemogočena v nekaj poskusih vapinga.
Kartuša ima veliko viskoznost in potrebuje kratko predgretje za pravilno delovanje.
* Opomba: Uporabite v 12 mesecih po odprtju. Hraniti pri +10 do +20 stopinjah Celzija.
Ne izpostavljajte neposredni sončni svetlobi. Hraniti na suhem mestu.
Hraniti izven dosega otrok in živali. Posebej zasnovan za uporabo z elektronskimi cigaretami.
Ni primerno za neposredno uživanje.
Ni priporočljivo za mlade in nekadilce. Ni primerno za nosečnice in doječe matere.
Lahko povzroči zaspanost. Lahko je kontraindicirano pri nekaterih zdravilih – pred uporabo se posvetujte z zdravnikom.
THCJD Cartridge 90% 24K Gold Punch 1 ml
24k Gold Punch is a variety that is known for its powerful combination of fruits. The unique taste can be described as a mixture of orange juice and lemonade. But it is not that easy.. it will take you to an exotic world with a hint of grapefruit, citrus and fruit punch with a distinct sweet profile of coconut and tropical fruit. 24H Gold Punch is smooth, sweet and fruity.
* The THCJD cartridge does not contain any diluting solutions like PG/VG , MCT apd.
* The cartridge thread is 510, which is compatible with all batteries with 510 thread.
* Contains no THC!
* Cartridge content: 1 ml
* Ingredients: 90% THCJD distillate, CBD destilat, naravni terpenes
Instructions for use:
The THCJD cartridge must be preheated for 2 – 3 seconds before each use.
Press and hold the switch button for 2 – 3 seconds before vaping.
This will prevent overfilling the atomizer at the cartridge.
If the atomizer overflows, the cartridge will be irreversibly disabled within a few vaping attempts.
The cartridge has a huge viscosity and needs a short preheat to function properly.
* Please note: Use within 12 months of opening. Store at +10 to +20 degrees Celsius.
Do not expose to direct sunlight. Store in a dry place. Keep out of reach of children and animals. Specially designed for use with electronic cigarettes. Not suitable for direct consumption.
Not recommended for use by young people and non-smokers.
Not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women. May cause drowsiness.
May be contraindicated with certain medications – consult a physician before use.