Vrečke ZIP so plastične vrečke ‘na zadrgo’ s potiskom
Ta Zip-vrečka ščiti pred moko in prahom. S hitrim zaklepanjem nič ne zgreši.
Zip vrečke so primerne za shranjevanje in pakiranje živilskih izdelkov.
Te vrečke so izdelane iz PE-LD (Low Density) ali imenovane LDPE.
Osnovno je, da je PE-LD bolj prilagodljiv kot PE-HD (visoka gostota) ali PP (polipropilen).
Natezna trdnost pri 20°C je skoraj 10 N/mm².
KOLIČINA: 100kos. v enem pakiranju
Zipper Bag - ‘Dice’ Print 50x50mm
Zipper Bag is a plastic bag with a print on
This Zip-Bag protects against flour and dust. Nothing goes missing by the quick lock.
Zip-bags are suitable for storage and package of food products.
This bags are made of PE-LD (Low Density), or named as LDPE.
Fundamental is PE-LD more flexible as PE-HD (High densitiy) or PP (Polypropylen).
The tensile strength at 20°C is nearly 10 N/mm².
SIZE: 50x50mm / 100pcs. in one pack