ActiTube KONIK Extra Slim 6mm Activated Charcoal Filter 10x6mm
Filtri ActiTube Extra Slim 10pcs.
Filtri z aktivnim ogljem ActiTube so priporočljivi, saj nase vežejo škodljive elemente dima.
Filtri ”ActiTube” Activated Carbon Filters omogočajo kajenje, ki je še bolj prijetno. Filtri z aktivni ogljem ActiTube Slim so priporočljivi za bolj zdravo kajenje, saj nase vežejo večino katrana in ostalih za pljuča nezdravih snovi med samim izgorevanjem. Karbonski filtri poleg tega ohlajajo vroč dim in s tem povečajo užitek pri kajenju.
Za najboljše rezultate je priporočljivo kaditi počasi z majhnimi dimi.
V paketu je 10 filtrov.
Actitube Filter:
* boljši okus
* manj škodljivo za pljuča
* pipa ostane bolj dolgo čista
* blag okus
* Discover the superior quality and functionality of the actiTube KONIK Extra Slim Activated Charcoal Filter, specially designed for optimal moments of enjoyment. These high-quality activated charcoal filters with a diameter of 6 mm and an innovative conical shape offer a perfect fit for your joints and promise an exceptionally pleasant smoking experience.
* The activated charcoal filters remove unwanted pollutants from the smoke without negatively affecting the taste. This promotes a smoother, cooler smoking experience, reduces the strain on your respiratory system, and ensures a clean feeling when inhaling. Thanks to the thoughtful, extra slim design, the mixture stays securely in place, making every puff a pure moment of enjoyment.
* Material: Activated carbone, cellulose Activated carbonCellulose
* Diameter: 6 mm
* Length: 27mm
* Quantity: 10pcs