Ti sladek, mehak in sončen poljub, prosim, pusti nam, da okusimo tvojo blaženost! Poleg tega oranžna barva predstavlja živost, polepša razpoloženje in spodbuja našo notranjo energijo. Super, točno to želimo! Zakaj ne razmišljate o spremembi barve vaše dnevne sobe? V tem času lahko preprosto mehurčite Shiazo pomarančo, ker deluje enako dobro!
* Pred uporabo vsebino dobro pretresite (v kolikor je tekočina kamnom že primešana)
* Dodajte tekočino kamnom in pustite, da se namaka vsaj 10 minut, za najboljše rezultate pustite, da se namaka približno 12 ur
* Uporabite namočene kamne namesto tobaka v svoji nargili
* Shiazo ni primeren za prehrano ljudi. Shiazo hranite izven dosega otrok. Shiazo hranite na hladnem in suhem mestu.
* Suhi granulat lahko ponovno uporabite ali uporabite za druge namene, kot je priprava tal za vaše rastline. Kamne dodamo zemlji, da izboljšamo fizične lastnosti tal.
Da bi upoštevali najnovejši tehnični razvoj v industriji, je Shiazo od leta 2021 na voljo z ločeno vrečko s tekočino. Kupec se lahko sam odloči, ali želi uporabljati Shiazo kot tekočino ali skupaj z nosilnim materialom.
SHIAZO The Original Steam Stone – 100g
Shiazo je več kot samo svetovna novost za Shisha – to je njena prihodnost!
Z originalnimi Shisha ‘parnimi’ kamni je mogoče uživati Shisho brez tobaka in njegovih stranskih učinkov, kot sta nikotin ali katran, vendar s popolnim doživetjem okusa in gostim oblakom pare. Z novo patentirano tehnologijo PIM (metoda vbrizgavanja tlaka) smo končno dosegli, da je Shiazo poln okusa kot redni Shisha tobak.
To ne naredi Shiazo le bolj zdravega od navadnega tobaka, ampak tudi neverjetno razumno odločitev za nakup.
SESTAVA so 100% naravne kamnine, glicerin in naravne arome. Hraniti v suhem in hladnem prostoru.
Shiazo Steam Stones
* As the first steam stones product on the market, Shiazo is redefining hookah since 2010. Shiazo is heated just like tobacco in the head of the hookah, but releases a pleasant flavored vapor instead of smoke. The result: full taste and thick clouds without nicotine, tobacco contaminants and bad conscience. In addition, the usage and dosage is much more comfortable compared to conventional hookah tobacco. Shiazo is available in more than 40 flavors as well as in a dry version for self-flavoring.
Principle of Shiazo
* Shiazo is based on an absorptive carrier material which is soaked with flavoring agents and fog liquids. The carrier is a 100 % natural raw material being anorganic and highly temperature stable. This ensures that Shiazo does not burn or smolder when heated, but only the flavored liquids are evaporated. At the end the dry carrier material is left and can even be re-used. As no tobacco is involved, Shiazo steam stones are by nature free of nicotine and tobacco contaminants.
How to use Shiazo?
Shiazo is usable with every hookah and every type of head. Thereby, the usage and dosage is much more comfortable compared to conventional hookah tobacco. Shiazo works always, is not scratching your throat and cannot burn. For best results we have collected some notes and tips here:
* Before first use, shake the liquid sachet, add the liquid to the stones and let it soak for at least 10 minutes. For best results allow it to soak for about 12 hours. This is not required for our ready-to-use version which is already soaked.
* Shake Shiazo shortly before usage.
* Fill Shiazo into the hookah head. Unglazed heads or heads where the liquid can flow down are less suitable. We recommend a vortex head.
* Cover head with perforated aluminum foil or chimney cap and apply coal. There should be about 5…10 mm spacing between Shiazo and the coal. Setups with larger distance or smokebox usually require more heat.
* Steam stones need a longer time to warm up compared to tobacco. Wait a couple of minutes after placing the coal to let the steam stones reach their operating temperature. Tip: Using a wind shield is the quickest way of warming up.
* In a hookah, not only the tobacco but also the charcoal releases harmful substances. Users that would like to reduce harmful substances as far as possible should thus heat Shiazo with an electric charcoal.
* The temperature in the hookah head is about 100…160°C when using it in a common way. Note that Acrolein can form when heating the liquid above 200°C.
* Shiazo is not suitable for human consumption. Keep Shiazo out of the reach of children. Store Shiazo in a cold and dry place.
* There is no age restriction known by law for steam stones. Nevertheless we recommend the usage not below 16 years.
Shiazo vaping is not smoking!
* The principle of Shiazo is similar to electronic cigarettes and vaporizers. In both cases, an evaporation of flavored liquids takes place. In contrast, smoking is considered the intentional inhalation of smoke e.g. from the burning of plant parts. Smoke is characterized in that it always contains solid components. This is not applicable in case of an evaporation in steam stones or electronic cigarettes as no solids but only fine liquid droplets are released.