Mesečni arhiv: november 2024

Elements Papirčki s filtri Connoisseur Zeleni

Elements Papirčki za zvijanje Slim s filtri Connoisseur so narejeni iz čistega riža oz. iz rastlin, ki rastejo v pravi zemlji in je ultra tanko stisnjen BREZ kemikalij, BREZ konoplje in BREZ celuloze. Ti papirji za zvijanje gorijo brez pepela (se uporabi veganski gumi), razen drobne črte ostankov iz akacijeve gume (sladkorne gume), ki se […]

Elements Papirčki Pre-Rolled Cones (3/1)

ELEMENTS je čisti rižev papir, ki gori s skoraj NIČ pepela saj uporabljajo veganski gimi; BREZ kemikalij, BREZ konoplje in BREZ celuloze – ultra tanek!! Ta papir je stisnjen tako, da počasi gori in je izjemno tanek. Ti papirji imajo šesterokoten vzorec, ki preprečuje neenakomerno gorenje papirja, kar vam omogoča gladko počasno gorenje. * Brez […]

Evolving with Ziggi Original DOUBLE papers

Evolving from the Ziggi Original, the Ziggi Double model offers twice the rolling experience with 64 Classic rolling papers and 64 premium filter tips in one innovative pack. Born in the late ’90s, this model delivers a consistent and enjoyable rolling session, thanks to the papers crafted from transparent virgin wood pulp. These 14 g/m^2 […]

UnRoll The ZIGGI Experiance

ZIGGI ORIGINAL WIDE EXTRA .. Launched in 2009, the Ziggi Extra, renowned as the Ultimate Rolling Solution (URS), revolutionized rolling with its unique combination of papers, filter tips, and a patented design that transforms the packaging into a rolling tray. This all-in-one solution provides enthusiasts with the ideal surface to hone their rolling skills. The […]

Where Quality meets INNOVATION

Welcome to the definitive collection of ZIGGI’s premium rolling papers. Crafted with precision and designed for the modern connoisseur, our products don’t just meet standards – they set them. Explore our range of rolling papers, filter tips, and natural Arabic gum, each thoughtfully designed to elevate your experience. With ZIGGI, you’re not just rolling; you’re […]

Vrečke ZIP so plastične vrečke ‘na zadrgo’

Vrečke ZIP so plastične vrečke ‘na zadrgo’ s potiskom * Ta Zip-vrečka ščiti pred moko in prahom. S hitrim zaklepanjem nič ne zgreši. * Zip vrečke so primerne za shranjevanje in pakiranje živilskih izdelkov. * Te vrečke so izdelane iz PE-LD (Low Density) ali imenovane LDPE. * Osnovno je, da je PE-LD bolj prilagodljiv kot […]