
Introduction to vaporization – All you should know about the vaporization of plants * Correct using of cannabis brings distinct medical benefits. In reality, it is possible to prevent almost all health problems and issues related to the potentially detrimental smoking (including carcinogens, tar, etc.). If the plant is heated only until the point in which required cannabinoids (can be typically found in resins of the flower) are released without lighting / destroying the material. It is exactly what the vaporizer can do. * In consequence of this, a range of devices has flooded the market. In reality, many products, which use this process, including vape pens, portable vaporizers and desktop vaporizers, exist nowadays. Despite the wide range of options, all vaporizers are created by heating and the system of vapours transferring. We will have a look at individual types of vaporizers, resources of heating, systems of vapour transferring, and we will also look at what are the best options for patients who use vaporization for health.